James Biagioni, Ph.D.

Software Engineer
Seattle, WA

About Me

I am a software engineer at Amazon in Seattle, WA, where I develop back-end software for their geospatial products.

Research Interests

I enjoy working on problems that involve finding and extracting interesting phenomena from large collections of sensor data. More specifically, I have a keen interest in looking at how people and vehicles move through space, especially along transportation networks, and how we can leverage any latent patterns to solve practical problems, build useful applications, or learn interesting things.

For more information, please see my CV, Google Scholar, and LinkedIn profile.


  •  Google Tech Talk on "Inferring Road Maps from GPS Traces". Google, March 2013.
  •  Dean's Scholar Award for 2012-2013. UIC Department of Computer Science, April 2012.
  •  Spotlight on Student Research. UIC News, April 2012.
  •  Highlights from SenSys 2011. Volatile and Decentralized, Matt Welsh, November 2011.
  •  "Best Presentation Award" at SenSys 2011. UIC Department of Computer Science, November 2011.
  •  "Best Presentation Award" at SenSys 2011. UIC College of Engineering, November 2011.
  •  People - Awards. UIC News, November 2011.

Short CV

  •  09/14 - present: Software Engineer at Amazon.
  •  08/07 - 08/14: Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Illinois at Chicago.
  •  06/12 - 08/12: Research Intern at Microsoft Research.
  •  08/02 - 12/06: B.S. in Computer Science at University of Illinois at Chicago.
  •  05/06 - 08/06: Software Engineering Intern at Motorola.


James Biagioni, A.B.M. Musa, and Jakob Eriksson. "Thrifty Tracking: Online GPS Tracking with Low Data Uplink Usage." In SIGSPATIAL GIS, pages 506-509. ACM, 2013. (paper, slides, poster, video)

James Biagioni and John Krumm. "Days of Our Lives: Assessing Day Similarity from Location Traces." In User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, volume 7899 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 89-101. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. (paper, slides)

James Biagioni and Jakob Eriksson. "Map Inference in the Face of Noise and Disparity." In SIGSPATIAL GIS, pages 79-88. ACM, 2012. (paper, slides)

Xuemei Liu, James Biagioni, Jakob Eriksson, Yin Wang, George Forman, and Yanmin Zhu. "Mining Large-Scale, Sparse GPS Traces for Map Inference: Comparison of Approaches." In SIGKDD, pages 669-677. ACM, 2012. (paper, slides, poster, video)

James Biagioni and Jakob Eriksson. "Inferring Road Maps from Global Positioning System Traces: Survey and Comparative Evaluation." In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2291, pages 61-71, 2012.

James Biagioni and Jakob Eriksson. "Inferring Road Maps from GPS Traces: Survey and Comparative Evaluation." In 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012. (paper, slides)

James Biagioni, Tomas Gerlich, Timothy Merrifield, and Jakob Eriksson. "EasyTracker: Automatic Transit Tracking, Mapping, and Arrival Time Prediction Using Smartphones." In SenSys, pages 68-81. ACM, 2011. (paper, slides)

Tomas Gerlich, James Biagioni, Timothy Merrifield, and Jakob Eriksson. "Demo: Tracking Transit with EasyTracker." In SenSys, pages 401-402. ACM, 2011. (paper)

Arvind Thiagarajan, James Biagioni, Tomas Gerlich, and Jakob Eriksson. "Cooperative Transit Tracking using Smart-phones." In SenSys, pages 85-98. ACM, 2010. (paper)

James Biagioni, Adrian Agresta, Tomas Gerlich, and Jakob Eriksson. "Demo Abstract: TransitGenie - A Context-Aware, Real-Time Transit Navigator." In SenSys, pages 329-330. ACM, 2009. (paper)

James Biagioni, Piotr Szczurek, Peter Nelson, and Abolfazl Mohammadian. "Tour-Based Mode Choice Modeling: Using an Ensemble of Conditional and Unconditional Data Mining Classifiers." In 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2009. (paper)

Last updated: 11/1/14